Laverstock and Ford Parish Council are requesting your help with the immense parking problems at school leaving times.
Students travel from all parts of the area including many from further a field and every day during term time the village of Laverstock turns into a huge car park. We understand the need to park and wait for the students however what we absolutely object to are the cars parked on the grass verges and on the junctions of side roads. The other day one of the buses could not enter the school campus because of inconsiderate parking both in and outside of the campus with many cars empty so the owners could not be asked to park elsewhere. As I understand it the bus carried on and didn’t enter the campus, this can never happen again as it is the students that suffer.
The schools are aware of the problem and are working with our Wiltshire Councillor and the Parish Council to find a solution however these thing take time. We put reminders in our newsletter but feel a wider network than our parish may be of great assistance.
I look forward to any help you can give us.
Thank You
Virginia McLennan