1st Pitton & Farley Brownies is re-opening after Easter 2013
Brownies is for girls aged between 7 and 10. We have lots of fun and enjoy making things and playing games with our friends each week.
Find out all about Brownies by logging onto www.girlguiding.org.uk/brownies
1st Pitton & Farley Guides will open in September 2013
Guides is for girls aged between 10 and 14. We enjoy cooking, outdoor adventure, going on trips and making our own decisions.
Find out all about Guides by logging onto www.girlguiding.org.uk/guides
If you are interested in joining either Brownies or Guides
OR you are an adult and would be interesting in helping on a regular basis
OR you are aged between 14 and 18 and would like to help or complete your DofE service
Contact Nicki McCarney on 01722 712451 or e-mail nicki.mccarney@btopenworld.com