Message for the Men of Pitton

Hello Men of Pitton,
MOVEMBER ~ A charity whose aim is to raise the awareness of Prostate and other cancers affecting men.
FRIDAY 8th NOVEMBER 2013   An evening styled MOVEMBER.
Some months ago, Lydia Judd, Sara Bossom and Pitton Ladies agreed to hold an evening in the VILLAGE HALL to raise funds for the  PROSTATE CANCER U.K. CHARITY.
On behalf of the MOP, I agreed that we would support the evening by attending and offering help.80 tickets for the evening costing £12.50 {to include a meal} will be on sale shortly and it is hoped that everybody will readily support the evening in an attempt to raise at least £1000.
As an initial gesture, I offered that the MOP would provide 6 really good bottle prizes for the raffle.I mentioned this to those of us who visited London recently and it was felt that I should ask all MOP members to donate £5 each to allow me to buy 6 excellent bottles of spirits/champagne as prizes.
This is a really good cause and I hope that you will agree to give me a FIVER and either drop in a £5 note or give me a cheque so that I can buy really good bottles.
Please also buy tickets when they become available as the evening should be very enjoyable and very worthwhile.
Very many thanks
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