Notification of Intention to Prepare Two New Development Plan Documents
Wiltshire Council has published its intention to prepare the following Development Plan Documents (DPDs):
- Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations DPD; and
- Chippenham Site Allocations DPD.
To ensure development plans are as informed as possible from the outset of the preparation process, the Council is undertaking a consultation designed to seek representations on the proposed scope of such documents. The purpose of this letter is to invite such comments.
Wiltshire Housing Site Allocations DPD
The scope of this document is proposed to cover two key matters. Its primary role is to support the delivery of housing growth set out within the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy.
The document will identify sufficient land (in the form of sites) across Wiltshire to provide surety of housing delivery over the plan period to 2026.
In addition to identifying sites for housing delivery, the document will review settlement boundaries, as defined in the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy in relation to: the Principal Settlements of Salisbury and Trowbridge; Market Towns; Local Service Centres in the South Wiltshire Housing Market Area; and Large Villages.
The document will present proposals and associated policies designed to be in general conformity with the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy and National Planning Policy Framework. It will consider sites in relation to the geographic area of Wiltshire, but excluding Chippenham. Growth at Chippenham is to be dealt with as a separate DPD, as set out below.
Chippenham Site Allocations DPD
The scope of this document is designed to ensure that specific development sites are allocated at Chippenham to fulfil the growth planned for the town over the period to 2026.
The document will also present policies designed to enable the delivery of priority regeneration schemes as set out in the draft Chippenham Town Centre Masterplan.
The document will include proposals and associated policies designed to be in general conformity with the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy and National Planning Policy Framework. It will cover the geographic area of the Chippenham Community Area and parts of the Corsham and Calne Community Areas which are adjacent to the built area of Chippenham town.
Consultation arrangements
If you would like to comment on the proposed scope of these documents, representations should be submitted during the 6 week consultation period, running from Monday 24 March until Monday 5 May 2014. Representations can be emailed to: Alternatively, please send your representations to: Spatial Planning, Economic Development and Planning, Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Trowbridge, BA14 8JD.
Further detail in terms of the timetable for preparing these documents is set out in the Council’s latest Local Development Scheme.
Call for Sites
The plan making process will involve the consideration of site proposals. If you have a site which you would like to be considered as part of this process, please let us know by completing the forms available on the Council’s Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment web site (address below).
If you have any queries about this ‘Call for Sites’ please contact the Council’s Monitoring & Evidence Team via email: Alternatively, please call the Spatial Planning Team on 01225 713223.
Alistair Cunningham
Associate Director, Economic Development & Planning
Wiltshire Council