Rural Vulnerability Service
Better broadband and the lack of it – is the focus of this newsletter from the Rural Vulnerability Service – brought to you by the Rural Services Network in association with Calor.
The Rural Vulnerability Service disseminates information about key rural issues.
Rural businesses and communities continue to face challenges in terms of broadband, with some villages taking matters into their own hands in a bid to get adequate connections. transport faces many threats – ranging from fuel costs through to the lack of public and community transport in many areas.
The topic has rarely been bigger or more pressing. |
Broadband Toolkit
The BDUK fund toolkit aims to help bring superfast broadband to your community.In the Community
Calor has a long history of supporting the local areas in which it works, and the rural communities it serves.Battling for it
The Battling for Broadband campaign from Farmers Weekly includes research on broadband speeds. |
Village SOS
Social enterprise could get broadband to your community. Learn how to bring the world to you.Rural Options
Next steps to take if you’re struggling to get things done online – or if you can’t even get online at all.Broadband Archive
Achived documents relating to rural broadband from the former Commission for Rural Communities. |
For UK National Statistics on rural broadband, click here. |
For reports & publications on rural broadband, click here. |
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