Dear All
Community Messaging enables people to sign-up for messages by email, text and voicemail, from Wiltshire Police as well as emails from Neighbourhood Watch coordinators. Examples of messages that can be sent by the police include community policing news and events, details of area crime trends, appeals for information, crime prevention advice and outcomes of court cases.
The system will be part of national Neighbourhood Alert, which is already used by 12 other police forces and the national Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network.
Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging is being commissioned by the PCC in line with his priorities in the Police and Crime Plan and commitment to involving partners, communities and volunteers in the reduction and prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Wiltshire and Swindon Community Messaging is NOT monitored 24 hours a day. Always call 999 in an emergency or 101 in a non-emergency.
To find out more and to sign up visit or speak to your local NPT.
As a team we would love you to sign up to this new initiative which provides us a great opportunity to get messages and information out to our areas in a timely fashion.
PC 1594 Henry CLISSOLD
Community Beat Manager
Southern Wiltshire NPT (Alderbury & Laverstock Beat)
Work – 101 ext 77431594
Website –