I run a project called Hear to Help in partnership with Salisbury hospital where we have clinics for Salisbury patients to get hearing aid batteries and new tubing without going to the hospital. We hold a clinic in Winterslow. I thought it may help your residents. I’ve attached our leaftlet here: Action on Hearing Loss but quite understand if not possible.
Best wishes,
Gill Drayson
Community Support Officer Salisbury
Action On Hearing Loss
PO Box 2291
Tel: 01722 580014
Mobile: 07570 670 643
Action on Hearing Loss is the new name for RNID. Our name has changed, but our vision hasn’t – a world where hearing loss doesn’t limit or label people, where tinnitus is silenced and where people value their hearing enough to look after it.
We also have a new website at www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk