Imagine a place where a man, interrupting a sermon in a large place of worship, could be “dragged away, kicked, thrown down and trod upon”.
Imagine a place where, for urging people to repent, a woman, after being stripped to the waist, was whipped in the market place.
Where could this be? The Middle East, perhaps? No. This was Salisbury in 1657. Both of the people mentioned above belonged to a new and radical protestant sect. They were Quakers.
Today Quakers are a part of Salisbury’s faith community. Based in our Meeting House at 51 Wilton Road, the beliefs that drove the first Quakers still drive us. Ken Smith, from the Quakers says, “The notion of a divine spark –“that of God” – in all people, regardless of age, sex or ethnicity, underpins our traditions of peace, honesty, equality and toleration.”
All are welcome to join us.
Find out more about us at: www.salisburyquakers.org