Pitton & Farley Team Notices

Dear Friends,

Here we are with only nine days until Christmas and there is a feast of carols to sing before then!

On Sunday in Pitton Reverend Bryan Coates will be leading us in our Methodist Service with Carols at 11am and in Farley there will be an Evensong service with Gill at 6pm so do  along to one or the other if you can.

On Monday at 7pm it is the Pitton Carol Service by candlelight with Debbie and on Monday it is the Farley Carol Service with Nils, also at 7pm and we hope there will be a huge attendance from the villages for these two popular services.

Next weekend there will be the Crib Service in Farley on Christmas Eve and that is at 3pm with Gill.
The Midnight Eucharist Service for Christmas Eve will be celebrated in Pitton this year by the Reverend Bryan and this service starts at 11.15pm. All are very welcome.

Both our Churches will hold Family Eucharist Services on Christmas Day at 11am.

Then on Sunday 1st January there will be a Team Service with Nils at Winterslow at 10am (NOTE THE TIME) This will be the last service that Nils will take before he  heads off on his Sabbatical for three months. Farley with Pitton wish him a fruitful and relaxing time without us!!

With very best wishes for a joyful Christmas from both your churchwardens, Jane and Sara

NB: For those who know and love the Coopers: they have finally moved into their new home and their address is:
12/151 Grindleford Drive, Stirling, WA 6018 Australia
Margaret reported that Barry has an Allen Organ to play so he is very happy! They  live in an area called Freshwater Lakes which sounds beautiful.

(There will be no Parish email for the next fortnight)


(There will be no Parish email for the next fortnight)

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