What is your church doing for you this Autumn?
Church Coffee morning for new and old parents at Pitton School and Pitton Pre-School 9-11am on Wednesday 6th September. Please do come and hear about the Church/School link and enjoy meeting some villagers.
Harvest Festival on Sunday October 1st at 11am with a Village Food Collection for The Trussell Trust
Tuesday Group which runs fortnightly during term time to explore matters of faith and encourage discussion. Contact Joan Lodge on 01722 712606
PathFinders Children’s Group on the first Sunday of each month during the 11am service for all age children.
Pitton Youth Group for all those in Years 7-9 first Sunday of each month at 4-5.30 at Stockbottom House. Recent Pitton School leavers welcome!
See the events on the website for more details as they come…