Dear Everyone at St Peter’s Pitton,
It was a great service on Sunday in Winterslow for our last service in the Team, which we enjoyed as a family and we were so pleased to see so many of you there. It was very touching and heart warming.
Judith and I would like to thank you all for the very generous gifts that we received. As Beth mentioned at the lunch we have rather a lot of things at the moment and not sure how we will get them into our next home – but one of the things we have wanted to get for some time is some good outside garden furniture. Thank you for enabling us to do that though we might wait until we are more settled before buying it!
The lunch was really lovely and we were grateful for all the contributions the many of you made. We ended up taking lots home and continued enjoying in the evening.We really are left with so many good memories of our time here and we will always be grateful for all that we shared – so thank you!With our love and prayers
Nils, Judith, Leif, Esther and NaomiPS We will let people know our new address, phone number, email address, leaving date etc in due course via the Weekly Newsheet (hopefully next week).