You are all warmly invited to a public debate on the 14th March at Alderbury Village Hall, 7pm start (6.30pm for a cup of tea beforehand) to discuss the issue of housing need in Southern Wiltshire.
This public gathering will form the first half of the Southern Area Board meeting, and will be led by the Wiltshire Council Cabinet Member for Housing, Cllr Richard Clewer, and the Council’s Director for Housing, Simon Hendey.
Come and have your say on what type and how much affordable housing is needed locally, receive information on what the council is doing to promote more housing, and get an update on the housing waiting list, broken down per parish and hear how this is identified, i.e. through neighbourhood planning, allocated housing sites, processes for updating the core strategy.
The second half of the meeting will include information about 2019/2020 programmed highways works, consideration of community grant requests and details of a brand new walking event for the summer.
For more information about this public meeting, please contact Karen Linaker on 01722 434697 or email: karen.linaker@wiltshire.gov.uk