Clarendon Team News – 14th February 2020

Dear Friends,
I attach a list of the services and events which are planned at the moment. These may have to be reviewed at a later stage depending on the situation regarding Coronavirus.

11am Pitton, St Peter’s – Methodist Holy Communion with Revd. Christopher Jones
11am Farley, All Saints – Parish Eucharist with Revd. Beth Hutton

Coronavirus Update

The Revd. Simon Chambers has provided the latest information for churches, received from the Diocese. The following are a few salient points from that information which are applicable to Sunday’s services. Further information will be supplied as the situation evolves.

• This Sunday Communion will only be offered in one kind – i.e. just the bread. However, we will have the chalice and pattern just as normal for the service as ‘the priest alone takes the wine’. For Pitton it has been suggested that we could use the Methodist communion cups, however, this has explicitly been stated that this ‘is not a lawful practice’ in the church of England – so sorry no.

• No physical sharing of the peace – We will suggest alternatives.

• We are asked if those attending services could wash their hands as they come into church and that we Provide hand gel at entrances to churches.  Does anyone have access to supplies of this?

• We do not provide catering (teas, coffees and biscuits) where multiple people touch mugs etc.

• We do not pass around the collection plate.  Maybe we can leave this in a prominent place and people can contribute during the hymn, or we get into the practice of placing this near the door as we enter the church.

TUESDAY 17th March

Pitton – St Peter’s

9.15am – Informal Prayers

10.15 for 10.30am start, until 11.30am – The third of five Tuesday Group Lent Sessions, this week at Sarah Sankey’s house, Rosedale, Church Lane.  Our Lent studies are being taken from “Operation Noah”, an organisation set up in 2004 to provide a Christian response to the climate crisis. This week we will be looking at ‘What is God asking of me?’ in relation to Climate Change.

2.30 – 4pm – Tea, Cake and Chatter

SUNDAY 22nd March – 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT

11am Pitton, St Peter’s – All Age Eucharist on Mothering Sunday with Revd. Simon Chambers
6pm Farley, All Saints – BPC Evensong with Revd. Simon Chambers


Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th March from 2-4pm – Litter Picking in Pitton. Meet at the church with high-viz gear to receive instructions and equipment! Refreshments will be served afterwards.

Friday 20th March, 12-2pm – Olive and Hilary are kindly holding a Lent Lunch at Olive’s, in aid of the Christian Aid Appeal for Syria. For catering purposes please let them know if you would like to attend.

Saturday 28th March – Big spring clean of St Peter’s.

Friday 8th May VE DAY – Pitton are planning celebrations at St Peter’s. If you would like to be involved or have ideas please let Sarah, Debbie, Linda or Val know.

Farley with Pitton APCM this will be held at 3pm on Sunday 10th May at All Saints’, Farley


St Peter’s PCC Policy is to tithe 10% of our unrestricted income to charity. 2019’s charities were: 1.All We Can 2.MAF 3. Salisbury Trust for the Homeless

It is now time to choose again. By the font at St. Peter’s, there is a clipboard on which to add your suggestions for charities to support in 2020. It would be good if we were able to arrange speakers from the charities during the coming year. Please would you write down the charities that you would like us to support.  We usually have one local, one Methodist and one International charity. They must all be run on Christian principles.

For news from the Clarendon Team please use this link

Best wishes
Val and Jane


BCP Holy Communion service on the second Wednesday of each month at 3pm in All Saints Whiteparish.

A Communion service lasting only 30 minutes takes place every Wednesday morning at Whaddon at 10am.  You would be most welcome to join the regular attendees.



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