Pitton Community Support – Coronavirus HELPING HANDS and LISTENING EAR Newsletter
Newsletter 22nd April 2020
Welcome to Newsletter number 5! While the village appears to be very quiet, there’s actually a lot of activity taking place. Here’s a run-down on some of it:
The Pub – The Silver Plough Take-Away should be back up and running in time for your Sunday Roast this coming weekend! Check Facebook/Nextdoor/web-site – or call 712266
• Fitness Sessions – The on-line Fitness Sessions for adults led by Tristan Cooper will now run twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10.00am. Contact Tristan on 01722 712413 or 07855 764572.
• Yoga Sessions – The on-line yoga class for adults runs twice a week and is proving very popular. Contact Nicky Vaughan at nicky@quercusyoga.co.uk
• NEW! Yoga for Children aged 4+ is being offered on Friday afternoons at 4.00 p.m. led by Jill Houghton who has taught sessions at Pitton Pre-school. Contact Debbie McIsaac db@dball.com for the link.
• Walks – new walks have been added to Fred’s Walking Moonraker web-site Deliveries, Special Offers etc (all used or recommended by a village resident)
• Porton Garden Centre delivers to the village. Order from the web-site and they deliver within a couple of days.
• Chalk Stream Trout deliver to the village and are offering 50% off to all NHS Staff.
• And something that we might not want to think about – but all know we should – Parker Bullen are local solicitors offering all key workers a half-price Will. Get in touch at
keyworker@parkerbullen.com by 31st May, to take advantage of this offer.
• ECHO for repeat prescriptions.
Echo is the Lloyds Pharmacy on-line service. Prescriptions are delivered via the post and there are no charges other than the usual prescription charges if applicable. You need to allow plenty of time for delivery at the moment, but the service works well.
NEW! Appeal for help and supplies to make Care Worker’s Scrubs – Can you sew?
Following on from the St Joseph’s initiative making visors, there is now an associated group sewing scrubs for NHS and Care Home workers. Sarah Nightingale is organising this for anyone in Pitton who would like to help.
You can help by:
• Sewing: Patterns for scrubs will be available soon, but we also need to make pillowcase sized, drawstring ‘washing bags’ that workers can put used scrubs into and then put straight into the washing machine when they get home.
• Materials: Do you have any cotton material that can be used for scrubs? Unwanted, cotton sheets would be ideal. Also elastic for waistbands, cotton thread and cord for drawstrings.
Please contact Sarah, 712604 or sarahnightingale196@btinternet.com if you can help.
NEW! Grandad’s Lego challenge!
Trying to keep in touch with your grandchildren? Or trying to keep your own kids amused? David Flint has been setting his grandchildren a weekly Lego challenge – this week’s is: Research the Kon-Tiki Expedition (which might include watching the 2012 film) then create the raft using Lego, fabric and string. Write up a couple of paragraphs about the expedition and submit a video of the raft ‘at sea’! David is happy to ‘judge’ if required! 712435.
Brian Cudby, 712600, has four 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzles to exchange
Wendy Everitt, 712742, has several children’s jig-saws ages 7+ and 10+ to give away
Books and DVDs to share
You may have noticed some books and DVDs outside the shop that are available for sharing, there are more in the front porch of Parc Ferme, on Above Hedges. Please help yourself and return when used.
If you want to advertise an event in this newsletter or tell us about what you’re doing, please get in touch with Maggie Fowler on 712401
Safer and Supportive Salisbury is a support organisation working in the Salisbury area. They have sent us a very comprehensive list of links to websites where you can find help if you are a carer, if you are worried about your own health and wellbeing or that of a loved one or if you would like support with bereavement. If you would like to access this information, please get in touch with the Listening Ears co-ordinators – details here.
Please follow the Latest Government Advice on Coronavirus to Stay at Home
Details – If you need help, call one of the people on your original flyer or contact the co-ordinator for your area, these can be found here.