News From The Pittonque Club


It’s been 11 months since we closed the Terrian for the first Lockdown, so we thought it was time to update members on the club activities during that time and outline plans for the next few months.

After the Terrain reopened in May we organised Summer Singles and Doubles Leagues for club members, in addition to the normal Shooters Ladder. We were blessed with good weather and those who took part enjoyed getting out, seeing old friends and just not being at home! Neil won the Singles and teamed up with Dave to win the Doubles. Tom won the Shooters Ladder

When Autumn arrived we started the usual Winter Singles and Doubles Leagues, which have been suspended during Lockdown. Given the amount of time lost we have decided to abandon these competitions

The committee met recently via Zoom and amongst the items discussed was Annual Subscriptions. At present we have adequate funds in the bank and anticipate only minimal expenses this year so recommend that Subs not be requested at this stage. We will review that if / when the NFDL / Hopback Leagues start – see below.

Pétanque England have confirmed they expect play to be able to resume from 29th March. It’s likely that the COVID safe protocols adopted last year will apply at least initially.

At this stage, we have no information regarding the start of the NPPL or Hopback League, but it seems unlikely that anything will happen before July. We therefore plan to organise Summer Singles, Doubles and possibly Triples Leagues, starting after Easter and running until the outside Leagues start.

Best wishes,

John Fowler

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