Report from Pitton and Farley Parish Council for the Dun Valley News December 2021
Flooding and Inclement Weather
Supplies, such as sand and gel sacks have now been received from Wiltshire Council to help prepare for any potential flooding. They have also been carrying out some work in Pitton, including the clearing of gullies and the main 100m culvert. During a stormy couple of days in early November a couple of trees fell, causing damage to fencing in and around ‘The Close’ play area in Pitton. Thanks to responsible nearby residents, the fallen trees were removed quickly and damage to the playground fencing quickly fixed, enabling us to re-open the play area promptly.
Noticeboards and Clean-up of the Villages
We now have freshly refurbished notice boards on Church Road and Oak Close in Farley and another in ‘The Close’ area in Pitton. We have received positive feedback from residents who find these new locations far more accessible and beneficial. Shortly, the bus shelters in both villages will be cleaned up and we are assessing the state of street signage and litter bins to ensure these are also in a good state of repair.
Join Our Meetings
We were delighted to welcome several members of the public to recent meetings. All residents are invited to attend. You get to find out more about what we do, learn about any active planning applications and decisions, hear from all Councillors and have an opportunity to ask any questions or raise any suggestions you may have.
Co-option of Councillor Vacancies
We are still seeking active and committed applicants to join the Council. Could you free up a few hours of your time each month to attend meetings locally and get involved with new projects around the villages? If you think you may have the ideas and enthusiasm to help make a difference to the community, please contact me on the below email address for more information.
And into 2022…
As we look forward to the New Year, we are considering future projects, whilst working on the budget and precept setting process for 2022/23, to be concluded in January 2022.
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 26th January in Farley Village Hall at 7.30pm. If you have any concerns in either Pitton or Farley, please do not hesitate to contact me.
In the meantime, on behalf of everyone at the Parish Council, I wish you all a happy and healthy festive season.
The official website of Pitton and Farley Parish Council can be found here.