Pitton Community Pub Working Group

Pitton Community Pub Working Group

Following the recent decision by Hall and Woodhouse to put the Silver Plough up for sale there is obvious concern within the village about retaining the pub as an important hub for community activities.

The meeting held in the pub on the 27th November showed the strength of support within the village for keeping the pub. At the meeting Hall and Woodhouse said they would review the trading figures at the end of year and then meet with Hannah and Simon to discuss future options.

Please show your support for Hannah and Simon and use the pub as much as possible, your custom could influence the brewery’s decision and help retain the status quo with the pub staying within the Hall and Woodhouse portfolio.

Following the 27th November meeting a working group has been created to explore the feasibility and desirability of seeking to create community ownership of the Silver Plough presuming Hall and Woodhouse does not withdraw it from sale. The group is in the start up phase and are taking advice from external bodies i.e The Pub is The Hub and Plunkett Foundation.

The group is liaising closely with the board of the recently created Community Benefit Society exploring the development of a Community Shop in Pitton.

The group is liaising with the Parish Council in relation to consideration of nominating The Silver Plough as an Asset of Community Value as a preliminary step in the process towards possible community ownership.

In the near future the group will issue a survey to gauge support within the village for the pub and will also hold public meetings. The group is also in the process of setting up a website to share information with the community.

The group has a broad range of professional and business skills including expertise in developing community projects and raising funds through community share offers.

You can contact the group on info@pittoncommunitypub.co.uk

Working Group Members

Paul Fredericks
Roger Loader
Jackie Peel
Gary Pitt
Steve Taylor

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