The Future of The Silver Plough – Important Meeting

To residents of Pitton and Farley,

Pitton and Farley Parish Council has been made aware of a potential change to the ownership of the Silver Plough public house in Pitton. Many residents have contacted us to raise their concerns and make suggestions for this much-loved amenity to remain in the village, including listing it as an Asset of Community value (ACV)

We are in the process of confirming the current situation and will add this matter to the agenda of our forthcoming Parish Council meeting, which is taking place on Wednesday 7th December, from 19.30 at Farley Village Hall.

Residents are invited to attend to hear the discussion and take part in the public session at the beginning of the meeting. Alternatively, you may email the clerk at the address below with your thoughts and concerns.

The outcome of any discussions will be published in the meeting minutes which will be available the week following the meeting.

Thank you

Pitton and Farley Parish Council

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