About Us
This website is maintained by volunteers on behalf of, and for the benefit of, communities, churches, groups, clubs and businesses in the parish of Pitton and Farley. Any views expressed, opinions or information given through this web site do not represent the combined views of all interested parties. Indeed there may be widely differing views between the parties.
If you need to contact the web administrators you can do so using the contact form on this site, or email editors@pittonandfarley.co.uk.
Our website uses cookies, as almost all websites do, to provide you with the best experience we can. Our cookies help us:
● Make the website work
● Improve the speed and security of the site
● Maintain session information for members who have logged in.
We do not use cookies to:
● Collect any personally identifiable information.
● Collect any sensitive information.
● Pass data to advertising networks.
● Pass personally identifiable data to third parties.
● Collect or pay sales commissions
Personal Details
Only the name and email address supplied when contacting website administrators are stored and will only be used by the community website administrators. They will never be supplied to anyone else without first obtaining your consent, unless we are obliged by law to disclose them.
If you send offensive or inappropriate content to us through the contact form or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour, and we consider such behaviour to be serious and/or repeated, we can use whatever information that is available to us about you to stop such behaviour. This may include informing relevant third parties such the Police.
We will hold this limited personal information on our systems for a period up to two years or until such time as you notify us that wish it to be deleted. If there is an overriding legal obligation to retain the data for longer, then we will do so.
Users 13 and under
If you are aged 13 or under, please get your parent/guardian’s permission beforehand whenever you provide personal information to the website. Users without this consent are not allowed to provide us with personal information.