Planning applications are discussed at the Parish Council meetings. You are encouraged to attend if your application is to be discussed and especially if you wish to present your views to the committee Other meetings to discuss matters affecting Farley are held as necessary.
An excellent site for anyone engaged in planning is The Planning Portal, the UK Government’s online planning and building regulations resource for England and Wales. The site includes national and local guidelines, building regulations, an interactive house so you can discover what rules/regs cover any part of the house you may wish to change, and guidance on how to make a planning application.
A list of your current Parish Councillors can be found here.
The Parish Councillors’ Register of Interest may be viewed here.
You can e-mail the Parish Council via the Clerk at clerk@pittonandfarley-pc.gov.uk
Pitton and Farley Parish Council have a Ward for each village. Your Ward Councillors can be found here. If you would like to raise something for discussion concerning either Ward, please e-mail the Parish Clerk. or visit the Parish Council website.