The Church Council
The parish is the fundamental unit of the Church of England. The Ecclesiastical Parish of Farley with Pitton is part of the Clarendon Team led by the Team Rector.
The Parish Church is All Saints, Farley. St. Peters, Pitton is the Parish’s chapel of ease.
What is the Church Council (PCC)?
The Church Council is formally known as the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and is the governing body of the parish. PCCs are creatures of statute set up originally by statute in 1919. The PCC is a charity, although excepted from the need to register with the Charity Commission.
What does the PCC do?
The PCC is, with the incumbent and the churchwardens, responsible for
- the spiritual and religious life of the church,
- the parish’s finances and church property
- advising on the appointment of Foundation Governors to Pitton Primary School
- appointing representatives to the Clarendon Team Council
The PCC has two standing committees with some delegated responsibilities for :
- All Saints’ Standing Committee
How does the PCC work?
The PCC meets several times a year to:
- discuss ways in which to strengthen the relationship between the two churches
- arrange worship services and programmes of activities including for example Lent courses and social events, and agree our mission objectives
- review finance and funding
- consider issues or questions that may be referred to us by the Clarendon Team or the Alderbury Deanery
- deal with lots of other issues large and small
Worship in the Parish
Details of services are posted on the churches’ notice boards and can be found here

Who is on the PCC?
- The Team Rector: Reverend Dr Simon Chambers
- Farley Churchwarden: Jane Jeanes
- Heather Lowndes
- Val Powley
- Debbie McIsaac
- Linda O’Hara
- Sarah Sankey
How is the PCC elected and who does it include?
- The PCC is elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which is held in April/May each year. For details of this year’s APCM, please see the Clarendon website.