Bentley Wood is a large, nationally important nature reserve which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), a working wood, and a very special place indeed. To ensure that visits to the wood are as enjoyable as possible for all visitors and cause the minimum disturbance to wildlife, the Trustees have updated the Access Policy and it is summarised here.
Do you and your family enjoy walking, riding or cycling in Bentley Wood? Would you like to know more about its plants and wildlife? Would you like to help in the conservation, maintenance and improvement of the wood as a nature reserve and as an amenity for the surrounding community? Would you like to meet other people who enjoy the beauty and peace of the wood and wish to see it conserved for future generations? Then please do join the Friends of Bentley Wood.
The FOBW organise friendly walks and other social events in the wood (including barbecues), often at the barn. Local enthusiasts and experts can help you to enjoy birds, butterflies, trees, moths, plants and fungi.
If you would like to become a Friend of Bentley Wood please go to www.membermojo.co.uk/fobw where you can register and join, you will receive a welcome pack email.
Information about how to get to FOBW events is here.
A precis of the Bentley Woods Access Policy can be found here.
If you require more information on any of the events organised, please contact: