Pitton Nature Trust is a newly established charity which is registered with the Charity Commission (Charity Number 1203375).

The charity will work to conserve, protect and improve the physical and natural environment by promoting biodiversity in the local area.

We will also seek to advance the education of the public in the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment.

The charity will undertake a number of activities including the creation of a nature reserve on a parcel of land on Pitton Hill. The aim is for the charity to lease the land from Tammy and Chris Humphrey which will permit public access whilst encouraging nature.

The charity will seek expert external advice on conservation management before any significant work is undertaken on the Pitton Hill site.

We are also exploring the potential creation of a Community Orchard on land at Roundbarrow Farm.

This website is still in development and will be updating frequently to add more details about our projects and what we hope to bring to the community. We’ll also have information on how you can get involved.

For more information on the Pitton Nature Trust, please visit our website.