Pitton Village Hall 100 Club

The Pitton Village Lottery was started in 1976 to generate funds for the Village Hall to help cover running and maintenance costs and to subsidise Village Hall users.

In 2020 the village lottery was replaced with the Pitton Village Hall100 Club.

The objective of the club is to sign up 100 members who pay £100 per annum (or £9 per month) for each number they take. A member can have a single number (from 1 to 100) or multiple numbers, each one at £100 per annum (or £9 per month).

Every quarter, on the first or second Sundays in April; July; October and January, we hold a draw event in the village hall between 12:30pm and 1:30pm. These events are for members and at each draw event we will serve wine and nibbles – free of charge. Members can bring along their partner/spouse for a small fee.

Nine numbers will be drawn at each event, consisting of; one prize of £500, one of £250 and seven of £100. This means that the club will pay members £5,800 in prizes, plus you will enjoy free wine and nibbles at each draw event. This new scheme should provide around £3,000 of much needed funds for the village hall each year.

There are a few numbers still available and if you would like to join the PVH 100 Club please let Brian Cudby know by email at briancudby8@gmail.com or call him on 01722 712600.

You can download the rules of the Pitton Village Hall 100 Club (as of 8th March 2022) here.