Brownies is for girls aged 7-10 years. Currently we do not have a Brownie pack running. If you are interested in restarting it then please contact Mrs Kellie Kinsey at sarumdivisiondc@gmail.com.
1st Pitton Guides is for girls aged between 10 and 14. We meet weekly on a Monday evening during term-time.
Bourne Valley Rangers is for girls aged between 14 and 18. Rangers meet on a Tuesday during term time
Girlguiding Programme
All of the units follow the 6 themes of the Girlguiding programme:
Skills for My Future helps teach girls skills to allow them to become independent and includes activities like upcycling, cooking, DIY, leadership and budgeting.
Skills for my Future – Making pancakes
Have Adventures is all about being outside and includes activities such as camping, backwoods cooking, geocaching, map reading and whittling.
Have Adventures – On the High Ropes at PGL
Have Adventures – Crabbing
Know Myself helps girls find out who they are and how they fit in the world and looks at human rights, history of guiding, bullying, teamwork and people skills as well as other things.
Know myself – Jobs
Be Well is all about looking after yourself, including meditation, sport and exercise, healthy foods and first aid
Be Well – Making a Healthy Tower
Express Myself allows girls to explore their creative sides and includes activities like photography, vlogging, sweet making, sign language and crafts.
Express myself – Stage Make-up
Take Action is all about making a positive change in your community and includes campaigning, understanding politics, preparing for the unexpected, charity awareness and fundraising
Take action – Plastic waste turtle
Contact Us
If you have a daughter who is interested in joining Girlguiding then please register their interest via www.girlguiding.org.uk.
If you are interested in becoming an adult helper or completing your DofE service element, then please contact Nicki McCarney via the email below. We are always looking for additional helpers to support the girls.
Brownies – sarumdivisiondc@gmail.com
Guides – Nicki McCarney ggukpittonfarley@btinternet.com
Rangers – Nicki McCarney – ggukpittonfarley@btinternet.