Farley and The Grimsteads Garden Club
In autumn and the spring we try to have talks/ slides, most often on Thursdays and in Farley Village Hall, also a joint talk with Whiteparish and Landford Garden Clubs once a year.
During the late spring and summer we arrange visits to local gardens.
At Christmas we have an evening drinks and nibbles Do, in summer a lunchtime party or BBQ.
Some of our most enjoyable evenings involve visiting local private gardens. Over the last few years we have been to Waterdale, Longstock water gardens, Whitherington Rose Garden, Landford Trees and many more.
The subjects of recent talks have included pruning, Garden Design, Topical tips, Vegetable growing in small spaces, Abbotsbury, Stourhead etc. And slide shows have covered Beautiful Gardens, the Dorset Coast, Friends and foes of the gardener and so on.
For further information, please contact:
Jenny Wyre on 01722 712256
Jill Latham on 01722 712787