Pitton Ladies
The ladies of Pitton have been meeting regularly in the village for over forty years, having started doing so in the 1960s, originally as a church-based institution to provide a chance for housewives to get out and meet each other. Several name changes later, the basic idea is much the same, although the net is now thrown much wider.
So, Pitton Ladies meet once a month (barring July and August) on a weekday evening. Everyone is welcome, there is no age limit, you merely need to be female! The meetings are informal and a good opportunity to catch up with friends old and new, often over a glass or two!
We try and provide a varied programme to suit all tastes. Our meetings take place in the homes of our committee members, unless of course we are heading out and about!
We have a few favourites that we repeat every year, such as our now famous Christmas Present Exchange in December and the Safari Supper in June, the latter being thrown open to the whole village.
We do charge an annual subscription of £2 payable at the first meeting you attend during the year (with the exception of the Safari Supper). This modest amount is used to fund speakers, minibuses for trips out and so forth. If our funds allow we also make an annual donation to a local charity of the members’ choice.
Our programme is distributed by email, but if you prefer a hard copy delivered to your home that is no problem. If you’d like to be added to our distribution list, please contact the Secretary – Sue Martin – at susa.nm@hotmail.co.uk
If you would like to join the Pitton Ladies, please contact the Secretary – Sue Martin – at susa.nm@hotmail.co.uk
New members always welcome!