For over 30 years, the Pitton Social Club has worked to arrange social events for its members in Pitton. These have ranged from walks to formal dinners and from talks to the ever popular Christmas Drinks. All members of the village are welcome to join the club and there is a small annual membership fee -currently £5pp.
Recently the club has arranged a trip and guided tour of the Mary Rose Museum; a talk about Clarendon Palace and its history by a local academic; a charity casino evening, outdoor events to celebrate both the Queen’s Jubilee and the King’s Coronation.
Members receive regular emails about forthcoming events and information is posted to this website and in the Dun Valley News, to enable non members to express and interest.
If you’d like to know more, please contact one of the following:
Chair: Jonathan Peel at Bunbury Cottage, The Green. Jonathan.peel@btinternet.com
Treasurer: Don Clarke at Pitanwerth, Above Hedges
General Secretary: Jo Dadley at The Old Forge
Other Committee members:
Caroline Loader, Jackie Peel and Lilian Coppock
Upcoming Social Club events can be found on the Calendar on this site.