Opportunities to help give some TLC to Blackmoor Copse

Do you enjoy walking in Blackmoor Copse Nature Reserve throughout the year? Do you enjoy seeing all the flowers, birds and butterflies and contemplating life while you stand and watch the dragonflies at King Charles’ pond?

Do you love it enough to help it stay healthy and beautiful?

There is an active, genuinely friendly group of volunteers (the Blackmoor Copse Conservation Group – BCCG) which meets regularly in the wood to help with all kinds of conservation work. We are definitely NOT a clique and welcome new helpers with open arms… and a bowsaw and loppers!

Large map with tools and parkingWe coppice hazel, cut back excess vegetation along the Right of Way and other rides, create small glades, clear windblown trees and generally give the wood some regular TLC. Blackmoor Copse is a very special nature reserve with rare butterflies, dormice and flowers. Working in the wood is a way of using a Green Gym or Natural Health Service to keep you fit and sane and helps you get to know more about its wildlife! A wood needs to have light let in, have trees thinned and managed, be loved – if it’s to live and breathe and flourish – and we try to give Blackmoor that care.

Blackmoor_Copse,_reducedPhoto of the main entrance to Blackmoor Copse, at the south end of the wood near the
T junction at the bottom of Ben Lane. By Tony Goddard, November 2013

We meet on the first Tuesday of each month all through the year. We meet at 10.30 am at the White’s Common entrance gate (there’s a RoW sign) and all tools, gloves and training are provided. We bring our own hot drinks, and a packed lunch picnic if staying all day, and take regular breaks and a very relaxed lunch break. We park at the gate that’s just below Manor Cottage, but on the opposite side of Ben Lane (see map above).
Merveille du Jour moth (Dichonia aprilina) on lichen

The moth is a Merveille du Jour that lives on the lichens found on massive old oak trees in ancient woodland… and is found on the wing at Blackmoor Copse in early autumn.

For further information or directions for where we meet do phone Sue Walker/Tony Goddard on 01722 712713

PrimrosesCptKBlackmoorCopse20130416TonyGoddard_Lo_ResPrimroses at Blackmore Copse, April 2013

All tools and gloves are supplied by Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, and any training we need is given by experienced volunteers. You just need to turn up in sturdy footwear and warm, old clothing.

We will continue to meet, once a month through the spring and summer, to keep paths clear and do some bracken swiping and enjoy all the birds, bees, butterflies, dragonflies, orchids and other wildlife that call Blackmoor Copse home!

For more information, or to say you’re coming, contact Rod Poynting (Volunteer Warden) on 01722 322236 or Sue Walker/Tony Goddard on 01722 712713
