Farley Nursery School

Farley Nursery School is situated in the Old School House in Farley.  The Nursery School has a unique approach to teaching and learning, in that a large percentage of the day will be spent outdoors. The school has acres of outdoor space which is used for all areas of the children’s learning. Whether it is taking part in a PE lesson, learning a new song or investigating the capacity of a wheelbarrow, the school’s firm belief is that happy children learn and children learn best through hands-on, child centred play.

The Principal of Farley Nursery School is Susan Palmer, a qualified teacher with over 13 years experience of working within Early Years. An additional strength of the Nursery School is that all staff have an absolute passion for giving each child the best possible start as they take those early steps out into the world.

An additional qualified teacher visits the Nursery regularly to guide the children in maths and science related activities. The school is fortunate to be associated with a professional artist who encourages the children’s artistic and creative development. The children have music, singing and dance sessions and French for little ones is provided by a French teacher for those who wish it.

For more information on Farley Nursery School, please see the school’s own website.

Farley Nursery School
Old School House
Church Road

tel: 01722 712 313
email: farleysalisbury@storal.com