The game of Petanque (the French game of Boule) has been played in Pitton for some time.  Our club was established over twelve years ago.

We play on a ‘terrain’ behind Pitton Village Hall and have about thirty members. The game is similar to Bowls; the aim being to throw your ball (or boule) to rest closer to the jack (or cochinet) than your opponent’s ball. We run a number of internal events throughout the year for our members and are also involved in league matches within the region for those wishing to take the game slightly more seriously.  The game is suitable for all ages.
We are always on the lookout for new players.  You don’ t have to live in Pitton to become a member, or have any experience.  We supply boule and tuition to newcomers.

We meet for practice on Saturday afternoons at 2.30pm.  League matches are played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings for those who wish to play in either one or both leagues.  Watch the Calendar for details of forthcoming special events.

If you are interested in giving it a try please contact the Secretary on 01722 712771 or come to one of our open events listed in the Calendar.