Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon Angus Macpherson is launching a £1 million Innovation Fund today (Friday 7 June). The Commissioner is looking to fund community and voluntary initiatives throughout Wiltshire and Swindon which will help towards achieving his six main priorities as set out in his Police and Crime Plan. Mr Macpherson said: "I am really excited about launching this £1 million Innovation Fund and making this money available to projects on the ground that can make a real difference to communities." The Commissioner's six main priorities are, working with communities are partners to: * Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour * Protect the most vulnerable in society * Put victims and witnesses first * Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour * Drive up standards of customer service * Ensure unfailing and timely response to calls for assistance Mr Macpherson added: "This fund is about supporting innovative new ideas which will make a lasting difference to community safety and I'm particularly interested in projects that help to break cycles of crime and anti-social behaviour, including supporting repeat offenders." The funding will be awarded in three tranches as follows: * £400,000 by 31 July 2013 in respect of applications received by 15 July 2013 * £300,000 by 30 November 2013 in respect of applications received by 15 November 2013 * £300,000 by 31 March 2014 in respect of applications received by 15 March 2014 Any organisation with aims and activities that meet the criteria can apply for funding. Any funds not awarded in one tranche will be 'rolled-over' to the next funding tranche. The £1 million Innovation Fund is being funded from Office of the PCC reserves. The Commissioner will consult with an advisory panel, made up of representatives from Wiltshire Police, Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council and The Community Foundation for Wiltshire and Swindon, before deciding which applications to fund. For more information, including a downloadable leaflet and an application form, visit www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk<http://www.wiltshire-pcc.gov.uk/>. If you have any other questions about the fund, please call the Office of the PCC on 01380 734022.