‘Word from the Wood’ ~ A local bulletin
Hello! Welcome to the new quarterly bulletin from Hazel Hill Wood, a conservation woodland and sustainable retreat centre near Farley. Specifically for the interest of local residents, families and organisations, this short update shares some of the exciting work happening at the wood, including the latest events to get involved with.
A bit of background: Since July 2015 Hazel Hill Trust was set up a charity to take over the ownership and operation of Hazel Hill Wood from Alan Heeks who owned and ran the wood for about 25 years. The Trust’s vision is to promote wellbeing, resilience and sustainability: for individuals, society and the natural world.
News in Brief: Planning application to extend occupancy at the wood approved! We recently heard the positive news that our recent planning application to Wiltshire Council to extend the occupancy levels at Hazel Hill Wood has been approved. As part of our planning application we engaged with the local parish councils, local organisations and our immediate neighbours and also held an open morning at the wood in January 2016. We’re delighted with this outcome as it enables more local outreach in our Education programme, as well as planning conservation work that maintains the rich diversity of flaura and fauna at Hazel Hill Wood.
We hope you’ll come and visit soon! With our very best wishes, the Hazel Hill Wood team.
Events for all the family: Family Conservation & Nature Discovery Weekend!
From April 1st – 3rd, our residential Family Conservation & Nature Discovery Weekend will run at the wood. This will have all the usual fun of our family-friendly conservation groups; healthy outdoor work, good food, campfires, fun games for the kids plus you get to sleep in one of the wood’s off-grid eco-buildings or even camp! The weekend is designed for adults and children (aged 5+ with a family member). To book go to www.eventbrite.co.uk (search: Family conservation & nature discovery).
Nature Discovery Open Afternoon: Saturday 2nd April, 2.30pm – 4.30pm. Join us for this fantastic opportunity to meet local natural history experts and learn more about our wildlife, fungi, flowers, bees, and insects, forestry and more! To book your FREE place go to www.eventbrite.co.uk (search: Nature Discovery) and book ‘Nature Discovery Afternoon admission’ tickets.
Free local residents Day-pass: Saturday 2nd April, 9.30am – 4.30pm. Or, if you live locally and can’t make the whole weekend try our Day-pass experience; gentle conservation activities, a delicious vegetarian meal, plus the Nature Discovery Open afternoon 2.30-4.30pm all included – and all FREE to local residents. There are limited Day-passes available, please contact Marcos – details below.
For further information about any of this weekend’s events, or to book your free local-resident Day-pass, please contact Marcos Frangos, General Manager on 07881 425804 or by email: marcos@wellspringchange.com
Getting Involved: Volunteering opportunities
There are many ways to get involved at the wood, including volunteering on one of our conservation open days or education programmes. Activities range from helping to plant trees, simple forestry work, and supporting some of the visiting groups. In return you can be sure of an enjoyable and active day immersed in nature, and making a difference to the plants & animals that call Hazel Hill home. There will also be tea, biscuits, and new friends made!
Volunteering days at the wood also run with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, with the next ones being Fridays 13th & 20th May, from 10.30am – 3.00pm. These are open to all – you will just need to bring lunch, wear strong shoes, long trousers and sleeves, and bring waterproofs/sunhats (as needed).
If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Kate Steele, on 07787 157025 or by email: adventures@hazelhill.org.uk
A Local Education Pilot: ‘Transformative Learning in Nature’
There’s currently an exciting education pilot running at Hazel Hill Wood called Transformative Learning in Nature (TLiN), which is engaging new local groups in positive activities out in nature. Feedback has been extremely positive to date, and groups have participated in a whole range of activities: from lighting fires to bug hunts, simple Mindfulness techniques to tree identification.
So far, visits have taken place with Winsterslow Primary, Youth Action Wiltshire (young carers), and the Brownies and Guides. The pilot, which runs until June, will also be welcoming members of the Alzheimer’s Society and young people from Old Sarum Youth ‘Club. In total we’re looking forward to welcoming approximately 180 people from 10 different local organisations to experience the woodland from the local area.
We’re taking time to gather feedback too – the hand print above is from a young participant who said ‘Hazel Woods is the best!’ A full evaluation from the pilot will help shape the wood’s ongoing education programme, with an aim being more contact and collaboration with local groups.
If you’re part of a local group and would like to be part of Hazel Hill’s forward Education programme (post pilot), please contact Marcos Frangos, on 07881 425804 or by email: marcos@wellspringchange.com
‘It has been magical watching the children being free, exploring and imaginative.’ ~ Teacher, Winterslow Primary.
For full details of what’s on at the wood, see: www.hazelhill.org.uk
You can also visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HazelHillWood
Hazel Hill Trust is a Registered Charity: 1160691, and a company limited by
guarantee no.9329522
Registered address: Martin & Co. Accountants, 2 Victoria Grove, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3AA