Farley Fete Planning Meeting

In a bid to keep the fete going for this year, we are holding it in late August at The Hook and Glove (as in 2019).  The aim again is for each stallholder to set up and manage their own attraction which worked in the main very well last time.  Everyone is invited to a meeting this Wednesday, 19th May at 8.00 p.m. at The Hook to have a general chat about how best to move the fete forward and for all ideas for attractions anyone may have.

The aim is that this is very much a fete for the village, run by the village with something for everyone and a chance for the whole community to become involved and have some fun.
We have welcomed several new families to the village recently and if perhaps you have new neighbours that these emails are not reaching, you could let them know – it is a very good chance for us all to meet up and get to know each other.
We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
Kind regards, Fiona.

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