Dear all please find enclosed the below press release, a timely reminder to us all. PC 1594 Henry Clissold CBM Southern Wiltshire NPT Work - 101 ext 742816 PDA - 07969 501846 Email - henry.clissold@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk<mailto:henry.clissold@wiltshire.pnn.police.uk> Please note below press release from colleagues in Salisbury which gives some useful crime prevention advice relating to break-in’s to sheds, garages and outbuildings. Our local villages haven’t been targeted quite so heavily (as yet) but I thought it would be a useful reminder to review your security arrangements. Neighbourhood Policing Team warn residents to improve security Police in Salisbury are warning residents to take action to improve security for their sheds, garages and outbuildings following a recent increase in ‘non dwelling’ burglaries reported in the Salisbury area. Items stolen include power tools and garden machinery such as strimmers, chain saws and leaf blowers. Salisbury Neighbourhood Policing Team are working hard to identify suspects and have issued the following advice. Tips to make your garage and shed more secure: • If you use padlocks, invest in a good quality closed shackle padlock • Fit backplates and use threaded coach bolts for all door hinges, hasps and staples to prevent them being wrenched free • Chain large items together with smaller items • Board over or fit welded mesh to any windows and use net curtains to stop people seeing what you have inside • Install security lighting • Fit additional locks to your up and over garage door – the standard fitted locks are not always sufficient to prevent a break-in • Treat any pedestrian door to your garage as you would an outside door of your home – fit a minimum five- lever mortice lock to secure it • Make sure all items in your garage and shed are marked and registered with Immobilise.com. Mark with a DNA property marking system and if large, paint your postcode in bright colour on the item. • Take photos and record make, model and serial numbers of power tools. • Check sure your insurance covers items in garages, shed and outhouses. Remember, tools from your shed or garage could be used to break into your home – by securing them you are making your home more secure. Residents are asked to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity. Contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team for further advice via 101.