Pitton Carnival is nearly upon us and, as usual, there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes help needed. Here are the dates and times – if you can help, please let Kevin know or come along to the Village Hall field:
Friday 5th July. Erect Marquees. Brian Cudby will organise the teams for putting the marquees up.
Saturday 6th July. Erect the gazebos in the morning. I would appreciate as many helpers as possible for this time-consuming activity.
Saturday 6th July. The Carnival. All the helpers know which stalls they are running. If anyone has any last minute issues. Please let me know now.
Sunday 7th July early. The big clear up. Again if as many could come as possible it would be greatly appreciated.
Kevin Emery
Tel. Home: 01722 712934
Tel. Mobile: 07799 133461