Order your Takeaway TODAY
Hello people!
The Silver Plough Charitable Trust is starting a Community Take Away service with a LIMITED MENU to start, on Sunday 26th April, all in aid of the Salisbury District Hospital’s Charity – the Stars Appeal.
This Take Away service is a NOT FOR PROFIT service and will run from the Silver Plough on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All surplus funds will be used to support the #NHS.
We are strictly adhering to guidelines set by the government.
If you want to pick up your take away – you are welcome.
If you want us to deliver your takeaway – you are welcome.
If you are self-isolating and need us to deliver to your door or gateway. We can do this. – you are welcome
We may be metres or houses apart but together we can beat this!
Sunday Lunch Menu
– Roast beef £14.25
– Roast chicken £13.50
– Mushroom lentil strudel £12.50
All accompanied by braised red cabbage, mashed celeriac & sweet potato, cauliflower cheese, steamed Savoy cabbage, roast potatoes and honey glazed carrot.
Wednesday Evening Menu
– Handmade beef burger with Cheddar & smoked bacon, red onion marmalade mixed leaves and fries £13.95
– Vegetable Chili with rice £11.50
Friday Evening Menu
– Beer battered Hake with fries, mushy peas and tartare sauce £13.50
50% discount for NHS frontline workers & careworkers.
Phone 01722 712266 or E-mail your order to silverploughinn@gmail.com
Order for Sunday by Friday
Order for Wednesday by Monday
Order for Friday by Wednesday
Payment by card or BACS only.
Aart and Jeni