Pitton Community Shop – Your Views Needed

A Community Shop in Pitton – We Need Your Views

Rachel Morrison has announced that the Pitton village shop is not a viable proposition past
2025 and that the current premises will not be available for use as a shop after that time. At
Rachel’s request a group has been set up to investigate the feasibility of replacing the shop
with a community shop, run by and for local people. Community Shops have proved to be
very successful in many villages, if fully supported by in the community.

Our current shop is a vital lifeline and for some people, especially those without transport, it
is an important connection with the world beyond their front door. It is a meeting place,
communication centre and an important lynchpin of village life. Much of the appeal of our
villages rests on their sense of community. It is the reason many people have moved here
and remain here. The continued presence of a shop would, we feel, greatly enhance that
community spirit.

This questionnaire is the first step. We need to know your views on what might be provided
and what would receive your support.

You should have received a questionnaire. If you haven’t please contact one of the people named below.

Please be as honest and realistic as possible in your answers. Your response will be treated in confidence. It is entirely anonymous unless you wish to add your name at the end. You will have the opportunity to discuss and ask questions at a public meeting. Two sessions will be held on:

Saturday 26th March at 11 a.m.
Wednesday 30th March at 7 p.m.

Both will be held in Pitton Village Hall. You need only attend one.

Your completed questionnaire can be returned at the meeting or dropped off at the
Pitton Shop any time before 5th April. If you would like someone to collect your
questionnaire from your home, then please ring one of the people below. You can also
post your questionnaire to Pitton Village Shop, High St, Pitton, Salisbury SP5 1DQ.

The results of this survey will be published and presented to a public meeting towards the
end of April, when the proposal can be discussed further.

We would also like to hear from you if you feel you could help in any way with the running of
the shop. There will be a wide range of tasks to be done from the initial setting up of the
project to managing the enterprise and being involved in the day-to-day practical operation.
This kind of venture has been successfully achieved in other villages. There are currently
over 300 community owned shops in the UK and most of these have been set up with the
support of the charity Plunkett Foundation (www.plunkett.co.uk). Will our village be the next
one? If you wish to speak directly to someone about this project please contact one of the

Rachel Morrison (01722 712213), Brian Cudby, (01722 712600), Ken Howard and Lorna
Taylor (01722 712633), Cliff and Lyn Whitley (01722 712814).

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