Update on Frogspawn the Pony

I know most of you are aware of Frogspawn’s so far successful battle with laminitis (an extremely painful and potentially fatal condition).  This condition is monitored by very careful feeding (especially restricted grazing) and exercise.  He is now 18 and otherwise in excellent health and spirits.  He is  well fed within his dietary requirements.  I realise he may appear to be on poor grazing with lovely lush grass on the cattle’s side of the fence just waiting to be eaten.  That lovely lush grass, even more in these freezing conditions, could cause his condition to flare up when ripped up and passed over the fence to him, even  though he will relish it at the time.  Please, your intended  kindness can potentially kill unintendedly.  If you are in any doubt please google “laminitis” – some of the pictures can be quite upsetting.

Below is an extract  from The British Horse Society on the subject:

Laminitis affects tissue called sensitive laminae which are found in the horse’s hoof. The sensitive laminae act like velcro to form a strong bond to support the pedal bone within the hoof.  Laminitis causes the sensitive laminae to stretch, weaken and become damaged which can cause the pedal bone to move within the hoof (think of a zip being un-done).

In extreme cases, the pedal bone can rotate and/or drop through the sole of the hoof which is very painful. In cases like this, euthanasia is likely to be the only treatment option to end the horse’s suffering.

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