Pitton Community Store Limited (PCSL) And Pitton Village Hall (PVH) Joint statement

PCSL and PVH have started discussions concerning an extension to the front of the Village Hall to house a new community shop.

PCSL have identified that the Village Hall is the only viable location for the community shop and PVH confirmed that their position is to make every effort to support PCSL’s efforts to open a community shop.

There are likely to be a number of steps to go through over the next few months. The PVH Deeds of Trust will need to be modified and permission received from the Charity Commission. Once these are in place, the next step will be to gain approval of residents and we will do this at a public meeting.

The process will take some time to complete, and while there is no guarantee of success, PVH and PCSL are committed to making it happen and we will keep you informed as things develop. Many community shops are in or next to village halls so we hope this is a well trodden path.

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